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Linville Living: Part II

It is hard to believe we are already six weeks into our Linville mountain house renovation project! Through this ever-evolving, long-distance design process of many Facetime meetings with our contractor, calls, and photos sent back and forth – I am certainly learning a lot! I always find myself yearning for that next visit to witness the transformation taking place. In discussing our ongoing project with friends and family, I have been reminded of several “Renovation Mantras”. These have been collected over the years and can be valuable advice whether you are redecorating, building, or remodeling:

1. “Don’t Rush the Process, Good Things Take Time”

While we all want things done yesterday, experience has taught me that it takes time to let the space organically evolve to achieve the best possible results. I know we all have deadlines (like wanting your home to be perfect for the holidays!) but we will live with the decisions we make regarding design for years to come. It is so incredibly important to take the time to explore your options and think through a number of solutions and possibilities. One of my design goals for our renovation project was to create a feeling of openness and spaciousness, as this was not our home’s initial reality. Our first plan to help achieve this was to demolish the closets on just one side of the entry hallway and add a new window. After several months of discussion, we decided to completely demolish the closets on both sides of the hallway to further open this space up to the living room. There were several compromises along the way, but we are now thrilled with the results, and feel that the wait and process will ultimately be well worth it.

2. “Be Flexible”

Though this is perhaps the most difficult point for me personally, it is critical to be flexible during a design project.This flexibility comes into play with many aspects of the typical design project, but especially so in 2020. We have all had to stretch our flexibility this year – whether we are told our favorite tile selection is on backorder, lumber prices have skyrocketed, or the weather is simply not cooperative – we have to just roll with these changes and challenges! Of course we can have expectations, but it’s also important to realize that things happen and you can’t control everything. Given the state of affairs in the world right now, it is important (and realistic) to factor in longer lead times, higher prices, and less availability.

3. “Expect the Unexpected”

I have never been involved in a renovation project that didn’t experience a hiccup, and my project is no different. The very first week on the job, our contractor discovered the Master Bathroom shower pan was leaking and the shower tile needed to be removed. Of the two showers in the home, this was the one we didn’t originally plan to demo. This revelation caused us to look at ways we might take advantage of the unexpected and improve the space. Ultimately we were able to enlarge the Master Bathroom giving us a more functional and visually appealing bathroom retreat. We must focus on the silver linings!

Now with demo complete, several walls removed, ceilings vaulted in two additional rooms, and two windows added – our mountain house is already feeling a bit bigger and brighter. I have an exciting vision in place, and we have begun to select tile, plumbing fixtures, furniture, and lighting (always my favorite!). As exciting as our first phase has been, I can’t wait to begin to put things back together… stay tuned as the next chapter unfolds!



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